I have used many, many WordPress themes over the last 12 years and my current favorite is Avada. I use Avada for 99% of all the websites I build and have even retroactively replaced themes with Avada on active sites built 8+ years ago.

Here are a few of the reasons Avada is my favorite:

  • It comes loaded with a wealth of options allowing you to add almost any element to your site without coding know-how.
  • It is coded really well so pages load fast and is compatible with all modern browsers and devices.
  • It does a great job with SEO when used with Yoast SEO.
  • Offers a big collection of ready to go site styles with one-click installation.
  • It is a multipurpose theme that can be used to create just about any type of site: a business showcase, a webstore, a business listing directory, a gallery site,  or anything else you might need.
  • Plays nicely with my favorite WordPress plugins.
  • Documentation is thorough and helpful.

I give it 5/5 stars.

Published On: April 6th, 2023 / Categories: Custom Website, Reviews /

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